Contacts The Place of Wonders

Authentic, local, connected

Some of our favourite things? Listening, exploring, understanding. Finding unique experiences in unique places. Tailoring them to measure, going that extra mile. Rewarding enthusiasm. Keeping things genuine.

When the time came to choose a name for our small, eclectic collection, we turned to two words that distil our core values: 'hospitality' and 'experience'. Hospitality has its root in the Latin hospitalis - 'offering food, shelter and kindness to strangers'. Experience derives from another Latin word, experientia - 'putting to the test, learning by doing'. Both words, we believe, are about connection, about coming out of our shells to embrace others or try something new.

Authentic, local, connected 1

Each of the hotels in our collection is a portal to a secret world that few tourists discover. Each is a place of character run by a team of passionate locals who love to open doors and make connections. We believe in hotels that offer more than a place to sleep, hotels that put guests in touch with local tastemakers, thinkers, designers, homeowners, artists, wine producers, food artisans and craftspeople, that forge friendships and broaden horizons.

Beauty is what we believe in and sustain

From each sojourn in one of our establishments we donate five euros to The Place of Wonders Foundation, which we founded to further enhance the Italian heritage of excellence of its ancient trades and crafts so that these can be passed on to future generations.

It gives us great pleasure to include our guests in this worthy project by offering them these unique opportunities through which they will also be able to support the Foundation and fund scholarships for young makers in Italian schools and workshops of excellence.